Monday, March 15, 2010

Science homework about sweat glands please help me?

im doing some science homework and im so stuck please help me with the following question how do sweat glands react to a fall in body tempurature i will be so greatful if someone can help me with it i have been struggling for ages now and really need help

thanks xxxxx
Science homework about sweat glands please help me?
There are two kinds of sweat glands, and they differ greatly in both the composition of the sweat and its purpose:

Eccrine sweat glands are distributed over the entire body surface, but are particularly abundant on the palms of hands, soles of feet, and on the forehead. These produce sweat that is composed chiefly of water with various salts. These glands are used for body temperature regulation.

Apocrine sweat glands produce sweat that contains fatty materials. These glands are mainly present in the armpits and around the genital area and their activity is the main cause of sweat odor, due to the bacteria that break down the organic compounds in the sweat from these glands.

In your case, it would be refering to Eccrine sweat glands.

Eccrine sweat glands are distributed over the entire body surface, but are particularly abundant on the palms of hands, soles of feet, and on the forehead. These produce sweat that is composed chiefly of water with various salts. These glands are used for body temperature regulation.

Eccrine sweat glands are coiled tubular glands derived from the outer layer of skin but extending into the inner layer. They are distributed over almost the entire surface of the body in humans and many other species, but are lacking in some marine and fur-bearing species. The sweat glands are controlled by sympathetic cholinergic nerves, which are controlled by a center in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus senses core temperature directly, and also has input from temperature receptors in the skin and modifies the sweat output, along with other thermoregulatory processes.

Human eccrine sweat is composed chiefly of water with various salts and organic compounds in solution. It contains minute amounts of fatty materials, urea, and other wastes. The concentration of sodium varies from 35鈥?5 mmol/l, and is lower in people accustomed to a hot environment and in people adapted to physical exercise. The sweat of other species generally differs in composition.

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