Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does sweat cause body odor? if so, then no sweat means no b.o?

right-o bob. Thats why they make antiperspirants, so you dont sweat under your arms as much.
Does sweat cause body odor? if so, then no sweat means no b.o?
It can be the sweat, but more often it's the bacteria that live in warm moist environments on the body. Even if you didn't sweat the bacteria would grow in those warm moist areas....if you didn't wash you would definately start to smell.
Does sweat cause body odor? if so, then no sweat means no b.o?
It's actually the bacteria in the sweat that stinks.
Reply:sweat doe not smell. The Bactria that live on the sweat stink
Reply:well sweat does cause b.o but if you apply deodrant then when you sweat the deodrant stops the smell :)
Reply:Absolutly not! You're body is still capable of producing smells - trust me! Wear deo and you'll be good to go.
Reply:Actually, a doctor said that sweat does not cause body odor, believe it or not, it's when it mixes up with the bacteria on us that causes body odor. Sounds gross doesn't it? I heard something about this on Oprah.
Reply:Not totally, no sweat is bad for you. It all depends on your body chemistry if you have B.O..
Reply:Oh dear, sweat only smells when bacteria starts acting on it. No sweat, means something is easy to do--so easy to do that you won't break into a sweat while doing it.
Reply:Oily sweat (like fromunder your arms) that is not washed off causes BO as its oils are eaten by bacteria. Washing off any non- oily sweat is good also but not as ctitical.

No sweat means that you are probably dead since it is a usual body function needed to keep you body at correct temperature.
Reply:It depend on how u smell before u come to school if u run a lot then u are going to sweat and then your going to have body odor then your going to stink
Reply:The odor you sweat and the odor from your mouth is from the rottening mess inside your colon and stomach.

Most people when they die have approx. 80% of waste stuck in their intestines. Its really nasty stuff.

Have you ever noticed that if you eat sweat onion smell.

The term is true..You are what you eat
Reply:According to my doctor b-o is caused by bacteria eating the sweat.
Reply:it can..but if u havea good deoderant you may not get... i sweat and have never once had BO ..but yet ihave friends that no matter what..they have it.... it has to do with your body chemistry
Reply:Poor logic. Body odor comes also from dead skin cells, and the bvacteria that feed upon them, that you carry about with you.

Most of those billions of bacteria actually are a first line of defense for your body, against the horrific bacteria that would invade if the 'friendly' ones weren't there to protect you!

No, bathing too much won't eradicate them all, but, too much bathing can kill enough to harm your safety!

When you sweat, some of the scent left from the dried salts and trace chemicals will smell, such as garlic that you ate recently can actually cause you to smell like garlic!

To me, sometimes the scent of my woman is more heady a perfume than you can imagine! Why she doesn't comprehend thsi is a mystery to this hairy giant...
Reply:bacteria and sweat cause b.o.

your skin has natural oils that are supposed to keep the skin clean, but bacteria collect on the skin surface, and then sweat mixed with that make b.o.
Reply:Not just the sweat, also by bacteria and oil.

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