Friday, November 6, 2009

Salt baths dangerous?

Ok, so I'm kind of scared. I don't know if I should be. I read somewhere that you couldlose weight from taking a salt bath. I didn't have any epsom salts so I used like a cup of regular table salt and really hot water. I mean, the water was steaming. I stayed in until I thought I might pass out. Like, the lights were dimming and my music was sounding kind of far away and I was nauseous. Not to mention I was pouring sweat... that was five minutes ago and I'm still sweating. My whole body is pulsing and I just can't stop sweating. I still feel really faint and nearly fell down when going back into my room.

Is my body just freaking out or is this something to worry about? I only stayed in for like 20-25 minutes... I wasn't really keeping track... only by the length of the music.
Salt baths dangerous?
It sounds like you are suffering from heat stress, cool your self fast real fast... cold shower...

you will feel like crap for some time,

but if your body cant cool its self your heart will stop out of pure stress
Salt baths dangerous?
I think you just got a case of hyperthermia. It can be potentially dangerous.Cool your body ASAP. Get into cold shower. Drink water. Put cold compress on your neck. But do not overdo it, please!

bead necklace

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