Sunday, March 14, 2010

Is being a sweat freak bad?

When it is humid outside and when I'm even inside. I sweat even if I just go to my bedroom. Is this a bad sign? My friend says that this is a sign that mean that I'm healthy. Help?
Is being a sweat freak bad?
Hello, sweating is your body's natural way of cooling itself down. Just remember that when you sweat a lot, to nurish yourself with fluids, or you'll dehydrate, and that's not good for anyone. Yes it's a sign of health, if you don't want to sweat too much, just cut down on your fluid intake. The more fluids you take, the more you sweat.
Is being a sweat freak bad?
it's not a bad thing. some people just sweat alot. and you are not a sweat freak.
Reply:no that normal. i know wat you mean!! i sweat alot too.
Reply:eh, idk i sweat a lot too, i dont think its bad just a problem i guess. i got over worrying about it though, everybody sweats just some more than others.
Reply:I sweat alot to.

I love jogging outside in the heat and lose 4-5 pounds of liquids just from sweating. I drink more than the 8 glasses required daily to replenish myself.

When I even begin to put on my jogging clothes, my body begins to immediately sweat, preparing itself for the workout.

However, I too wish I did not sweat when I am wearing my dress clothes but I do. Most of the time when I wear my hair down, I have to end up putting it up because the curls begin to fall because of the sweating and heat that starts from my head when I begin to sweat.

Oh well,

Have a great day.

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