Sunday, March 14, 2010

Waking up in sweat?

My boyfriend, hasnt been feeling so well. No fever, but other flu symptons. He usually is a deep sleeper. Now for the last few nights has been waking up every hour in a pool of sweat. Is this becuase hes sick....any other ideas???
Waking up in sweat?
There are basically 8 reasons people have night sweats - nine reasons if you include having too many covers or the room is too hot. This doesn't sound like what you are describing, especially if you're with him and you aren't sweating.

The first reason - menopause - we can easily exclude.

Several other reasons have already been mentioned in the answers before me but other MUCH MORE IMPORTANT CAUSES have not been mentioned.

Please continue to read all of these as your boyfriend's life may depend on getting medical help soon.

INFECTIONS: already mentioned, and yes, classically it is from Tuberculosis. But, it can also come from bacterial infections of the heart valves (endocarditis) or bones (osteo). Night sweats can also be a symptom of AIDS. Finally, he may have an unrecognized abscess somewhere, especially if there was recent trauma or surgery.

CANCER: the one I would be most concerned about, given the tone of your question. Night sweats, weight loss and fevers are considered "B symptoms" when caused by lymphoma. Sometimes they are the earliest signs. Other cancers can cause similar symptoms.

HYPOGLYCEMIA (i.e., low blood sugar): also already mentioned. This can sometimes be seen in folks that are taking insulin or oral meds to lower their blood glucose. Is your boyfriend taking diabetic meds? De novo hypoglycemia (in someone not taking insulin or oral hypoglycemic meds) causing night sweats is quite rare.

MEDS: several medications can cause night sweats. Examples include - niacin, antidepressants, steroids and even Viagra. Sometimes when people already have fever and they take ibuprophen or Tylenol sweat when their fever breaks but this doesn't sound like what you are describing.

HORMONAL PROBLEMS: some of the hormonal problems that can cause sweats are hyperthyroidism, carcinoid syndrome (caused by a hormone producing tumor that has possibly gone to the liver or lung), or something fairly unusual called pheochromocytoma which is a tumor of adrenal tissue.

NEUROLOGIC: I'm not sure how old your boyfriend is, but stroke can cause night sweats, but not usually for a prolonged time. Other neurologic causes can be from reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), autonomic dysreflexia, syringomyelia (usually following trauma), and plain old autonomic neuropathy.

IDIOPATHIC: This just means we don't know what's causing the night sweats. There is something called idiopathic hyperhydrosis - the body sweats too much and nobody knows why, but this usually is all the time (someone with constantly sweaty palms for instance) and not just at night.

If I were a betting man, I would NOT be willing to bet what your boyfriend has, mostly because you give me limited information (age, other illnesses, meds, etc). If this has been going on for more than a week he needs to go get evaluated to find out the cause. The earlier he can get a diagnosis the better and easier the treatment will be.
Waking up in sweat?
nope it is cuz he is sick.
Reply:he's probably coming down with something
Reply:He could just be having really intense dreams.
Reply:Might be a mild flu going around. I had this problem a couple of weeks ago for 4 nights. It went away by itself.
Reply:night sweats can be TB. Can be infection of any cause. Does he drink alcohol, that can do it too! good luck, and change the sheets!
Reply:could be an infection of somekind time to go to the doctor
Reply:He needs to see the doc to find out what is going on. He could be sick or having hypoglycemic episodes. He should see the doc though as night sweats are often a sign of something going on.
Reply:i somtimes do too. not becuase im sick, its just randomly. its usally happens when i nap in the middle of the day when i am not sleeping in my underwear (so i tend to get a little warmer). But u know sweating is healthy
Reply:I think that your boyfriend could be getting the flu. He is probably running real high temps. and then sweating them off in his sleep.
Reply:Maybe you should take himt to doctor. Because I dont know if you can be sick without a fever. Unless the fever keeps dropping then picking back up. I say keep taking his temp or go to the doc. they have the real answer!
Reply:have him go to his doc and have his liver tested. (I'm a nurse)
Reply:He is spiking a fever when it cant be measured.

Sweat is good in that case but if it's been occuring for the past few days he should see an MD

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