Monday, March 15, 2010

Why do I sweat allot?

I am not sure if this is normal but since i have started strength training class in school a week ago, the littlest things we do make me sweat so much.
Why do I sweat allot?
No big have allot of fluids and that is good.
Why do I sweat allot?
ask your doctor
Reply:is it hot where u do ur exercises
Reply:dont worry just take a shower and put on deodorant -
Reply:r u fat?

fat people sweat alot
Reply:that is actually a good thing that means your poors are not clogged,possibly no zits in your future wash your face alot,and by all means keep your hands totally away.
Reply:go to a doctor if this wasnot normal before! it could be a disease like diabetes
Reply:Its normal to sweat during exercise but if you are very worried go see your doctor.
Reply:it could be because your not in shape and your not use to doing it
Reply:Deodorant and baby powder.
Reply:Sweat is a good sign you are doing very effective exercise with large muscle groups. Drink plenty of water well before and after exercise.

Congrats on finding a great workout program. Just make sure to, shower, carry a clean pari of street clothes, wash your gym clothes, and use deodorant + talcum powder and you should have no problem.
Reply:With these exercises , you are getting fit and oozing sex. with sweat comes pheromones. you are emitting your scent to the nearby males.
Reply:How long do you workout? That is probably the reason you sweat.

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