Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wierd crotch smell when i barely sweat? plz help?

When i began to sweat barely , a odor comes out of my skin in my crotch area. i take baths everyday, its just when i sweat what is it plzzzzzz
Wierd crotch smell when i barely sweat? plz help?
You are probably paying too much attention to it. Probably, it is not noticeable to others.

If you bathe and clean yourself properly regularly, dont worry so much about it. If it really concerns you, spray some "Axe" body spray or cologne in the area.

Quite honestly I like the smell of my husband's crotch area, if that's any consolation. But really you are probably criticizing yourself too much, if you have good hygiene, don't worry about it.
Wierd crotch smell when i barely sweat? plz help?
Everyone's crotch smells. Mine usually smells like chinese food...the first day I noticed that I thought my mom bought some and I was excited but it was only my crotch.
Reply:Use some of that Gold Bond Powder. That should take care of it.
Reply:I use baby powder it keeps everything dry and smelling good

gold bond will burn your ish
Reply:This is only from my experience. When I was younger i used to get a smell too. It went away as i got older and stopped going through puberty. How old are you? If you still going through puberty it may be that. If its bothering you, spray some body deoderant down there or try talcum powder.

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